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When your craving something savory for breakfast and you have a little bit more time, this omelet is perfect. I love omelets! They keep my fueled all morning. I love to fill them with what ever I’m in the mood for. Today I am serving a spring herb omelet, stuffed with asparagus and spinach. The herbs are mixed right into the egg mixture and it makes for a really beautiful breakfast, with a punch of flavor. My husband loves his omelet with sour cream and salsa on top.

Serving Size:
7 to 10 mins


  • 2 TBL butter
  • small handful asparagus stalks, woody ends removed
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 TBL of milk
  • 2 TBL chopped spring onions or yellow onion
  • handful of fresh spinach
  • 2 TBL chopped basil, cilantro, parsley, dill what ever herbs you have on hand
  • 3 TBL shredded cheddar
  • dash salt and pepper
  • sour cream and salsa for topping


1. Melt 1 TBL butter in a non stick pan over medium heat. Add asparagus and onions. Saute for a few minutes.
2. Add spinach and a little water, put lid on. Cook for 1 minute until spinach is wilted.
3. Mean while, beat eggs with milk and chopped herbs.
4. Remove veggies from pan. Melt another TBL of butter in pan. Swirl butter around entire pan.
5. Add egg mixture to pan. Cook for a few minutes.
6. Flip egg, as careful as you can to keep it whole. Add veggies back and shredded cheese. Close the egg in half, top with lid and turn heat off.
Ready to serve, top with more cheese, sour cream and salsa.

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