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Exclusive content Just for you!

You made it! Come on in! So here’s how it works. I love providing my friends with extra pintables, e-books and specially made content. That’s why I made an exclusive community to share all my extra gifts. All you have to do is subscribe! You will then receive full access to all my exclusive content past and future. As soon as you confirm your subscription, a password will be sent to you.

Once your in, download and print any pintable’s you would like to have on hand. Then check back now and again to see what else is here!



What will I find in the Subscription Library?

I’m glad you asked! In my specialty exclusive library you will find pintables to my favorite recipes. Including my family favorite Christmas cookies we bake every year! You will also receive all my digital cook books, including my “Garden Fresh Tomato Recipe” e-book and “5 Spring Chicken Recipes” e-book. And I am working on many more seasonal recipe e-books.

Will I receive a load of emails?

NOPE! I don’t appreciate my inbox being infiltrated with emails either. You will receive a weekly email with news from the farm and (or) a special gift from me. This really is a special way for me to communicate with you. A way to share my ideas and goodies with my closest friends. Of course you can choose to unsubscribe at any time. Although I hope you will find my content valuable and better yet, enjoy connecting!

Thanks for joining our family here at The Pioneer Home!

Love ya lots! -Jenilee